
Be More With Less

by Courtney Carver

I am a simplicity author and advocate guiding people who want to simplify their lives for better health and relationships. If you are interested in decluttering, slow living, capsule wardrobes and simple pleasures, sign up for my newsletter and let's connect.

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5 Surprisingly Tiny Habits That Will Help You Feel Happier

Hello Reader, By implementing the first of these five tiny habits, you'll feel happier and less stressed almost immediately. The others will help you feel happier within a few days or weeks. What makes these five habits surprisingly tiny is that you can practice them easily without a big commitment. You don't need any special equipment or big schedule changes either. Try one at a time for a week or two before adding the next. 5 Surprisingly Tiny Habits That Will Help You Feel Happier xo,...

2 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, It's not often that you hear the people around you celebrating that they are doing less. Instead, it seems most people are complaining that they have too much to do. People are busy and they always have one more thing to do. Not coincidently, people are tired too. If what we want is more time for what we care about, and more energy and attention, we need to consider doing less. These recommendations will help. Doing Less: 7 Ways To Simplify Your To-Do List xo, Courtney

5 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, Self-care isn't always about skin care, meditating, yoga and long walks (although I'm a fan of all of those techniques). When it comes to self-care, there are other more unconventional and nourishing ways to take care of your physical, mental and spiritual well-being. Author and psychiatrist, Pooja Lakshmin said, “If you think of self-care as a goal, it becomes another task to check off the list,” Dr. Lakshmin said. “But when you think about it as values and decisions that...

9 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, Creating more ease in our relationships will simplify life faster than any decluttering tip. In today's article, I share relationship mistakes that apply to friendships, romantic relationships and family ties. I'm not a relationship expert (not even a little bit) but in learning from my own mistakes, I see what shifts when I shift my behavior. I'll share a simple step too so you can trade shame and blame for action that will improve your relationships and make you happier in...

12 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, We all run into roadblocks when decluttering but for some, it may be a bigger struggle. A lack of time and energy can get in the way. Decision fatigue and overwhelm can take over and sometimes we become our own worst enemies by doubting that we can make any progress at all. I want to reassure you that there is a gentler path. If you haven't been able to change your clutter situation, it might be time to change the way you change. Choose a couple of these little reminders to...

16 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, In our modern, noisy world it may feel challenging to find some quiet time. In this article, you'll discover the power of cultivating more quiet in your life. If you want to incorporate more quiet time into your life, you don’t have to drastically change your routine. Instead, choose one or two ways to bring quiet moments into your daily life. Below are a few ideas to consider trying: The Power of Embracing Quiet Time. xo, Courtney

19 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, After my MS diagnosis in 2006, I began to eliminate stress from my life and I continue to do so. I'm healthier without it. Even though it seems like dealing with stress is just a part of life, you may not have to suffer as much as you think. Reducing stress (just like reducing clutter) is a step by step, sometimes inch by inch adventure. Even though it can be a slow journey, it's a worthwhile one. Find ways to stress less so you can sleep better, feel better and start to notice...

23 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, Over the weekend, I switched my winter wardrobe to my spring wardrobe. If you are changing seasons or just tired of seeing too many things you never wear in your closet, this is a great time for a wardrobe declutter. In today's article you'll find: 5 things to remove from your closet inspiration to let go what I'm including in my 33-item spring wardrobe I highly recommend trying this wardrobe declutter and/or creating a capsule wardrobe with the Project 333 Challenge. After...

26 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, If you are tired (no pun intended) of rushed mornings or feeling scattered trying to figure out what to do first or how to get it all done, these suggestions will help you simplify your mornings. I remember before I started my morning routine, I'd wake up, hit the snooze button, rush around and be overwhelmed and running late by the time I got in the car to drop my daughter off for school and get to work. Starting a morning routine back then felt hard because there was so much...

30 days ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader, You know how sometimes you feel like making a little progress, but you don't have the time or energy for a big decluttering project? The secret is to create small projects so you can start and finish something quickly and without wearing yourself out. These five small decluttering projects will take you 10-minutes or less and they will help you create the momentum you need to continue making steady progress as you simplify your life. Five 10-minute decluttering projects. xo,...

about 1 month ago • 1 min read
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